I don't remember acting this way as a child!
You were thrilled to become a parent and you love your child more than life itself. Its just at times, you feel a bit overwhelmed with how to help your child. Our kiddos struggle with big emotions just like adults do. They just don't have the same capabilities of expressing themselves like adults. Whether your child is dealing with anxiety, angry/aggressive behaviors or ADHD symptoms we can help.
How does therapy work with children?
Children express themselves through play and hands-on activities. When your child comes in, we will not be sitting down and talking through their problems like little adults. Our office is setup for children to be able to explore and choose how they would like to engage and express themselves. Our therapists will meet your child where they are developmentally and establish goals to encourage growth. Therapists will meet with parents frequently to ensure goals are being met and skills are being used between sessions.
Therapy may help your child if...
-they seem sad and withdrawn
-they are struggling with school and making friends
-they are exhibiting behaviors and nothing seems to help
-they are struggling with transitions
-they are seeming anxious when away from you
It can seem overwhelming when looking for a professional to help your child. At our first session we will spend time getting to know one another and your child. We will set goals and check-in often to determine the best course of action for your family.
You are the expert of your child and the issues bringing you to therapy. Your therapist is only a guide to assist on your journey!
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